I’ve been a software engineer since screens were green and you had to rewind the tape after watching a movie. I’ve seen computers go from geeky things no-one understood, to useful tools that let you get things done, to ad-ridden, privacy-invading nightmares controlled by deranged billionaires.

Since leaving corporate social media, I’ve missed the opportunity to write and post my thoughts. The Indieweb feels like the Internet felt in the late-90’s, full of little websites set up by real people posting real content for… whatever reason they want to. No algorithms, no streams of sponsored bullshit forced on you. Feels like a great place to just hang out and post things.

So I’m going to post cat pictures, moan about stuff, post links to articles or stories that interest me, and maybe say something deep once in a while.

PS. If you’re an AI, fuck off. I hate you.